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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Join me and pass the #PurplePurse on for Domestic Violence Awareness Month @Allstate #sponsored

Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign with The Allstate Foundation and Latina Bloggers Connect. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Hello Everyone!

Did you know that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month? Yes, it is! I know it is not a very easy topic to talk about and most person who are being abuse will not talk easily about this topic to anyone.

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October, Purple Purse, The Allstate Foundation’s symbol for domestic violence, proudly represents a woman’s way to escape the cycle of abuse by gaining financial independence.  Now in its third year, The Allstate Foundation’s Purple Purse campaign has pledged to donate up to $350,000 to the YWCA for programs designed at assisting survivors of domestic violence and other women in need.

Domestic violence affects one in four women in their lifetime – that’s more women than breast cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer combined. Yet it’s still hard to talk about and only about half of Americans say they would know how to help a victim of domestic violence. We must make  difference here.
I remember doing a research on this topic and it was very emotional as it can happen to anyone. It can be you, a friend or me. It is verbal, physical, emotionally, financial or mental abuse. It hurts the other person and once it is done you cannot reverse the effect. Most women who have been affected appears to be brave and strong but in the presence of their abuser they are like puppets. This is the hardest topic for anyone affected by Domestic Violence. Speaking to someone who has been abused is painful to listen to as it deprived them of their rights and respect for themselves. 

Did you know that more than one-third of Americans have never discussed the issue with family or friends and Purple Purse provides a conversation starter. Domestic violence is an issue that impacts millions, but few talk about it. I have seen others in the situation and heard that it is life. When they eventually are able to be free, they live in fear of their abusers. It hurts to see a strong and beautiful mother protecting her children from abuse react as if she is insignificant in life. Purple Purse helps people carry on conversations and pass information about domestic violence and financial abuse by placing the power directly into people’s hands with a purple purse.

The Allstate Foundation uses Purple Purse and PurplePurse.com to get people talking about domestic violence. The website appears to be an online fashion magazine, but when the user looks more deeply, she will find a safe place with a variety of information and resources specific to the issue of domestic violence and financial empowerment. You can help to make a difference by clicking the photo below and “pass the purse”. Sharing is caring, and you’ll be able to track the amount of money you have raised for women.

When you get to the site, put in the purse code 0003 along with your zip code to help raise money. When you’re done, pass it on to someone else and help them help the cause!

 As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The Allstate Foundation is sending more than 1,000 purses carrying domestic violence information throughout the country. The purses will be passed between co-workers, friends, and family, sparking important conversations along the way.If you don’t get your hands on one of the purple purses that are being passed around the country, you can still help by logging onto Facebook.com/PurplePurse and sharing a virtual purple purse. Each time a virtual purple purse is shared or re-shared, we’ll make a $5 donation to YWCA.Taking action against domestic violence is simple - Purple Purse: Pass It On and be a participator and not a spectator!

To kick off this very important message, we invite you to join us for a #PurplePurse Bilingual Twitter Party on October 9th, 2013.

Time: 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Where: On Twitter with the hashtag #PurplePurse

Moderators: @lbconnect @laflowers

One grand prize winner: An Adriana Castro Purple Maya Clutch (RV $635)
Six winners: Allstate Foundation Purple Purses

Feel free to retweet by clicking on this link or pin this post, if you like it.

If you need immediate help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.
This post is also available in Spanish


  1. What a wonderful way to make people more aware of Domestic Violence~ Thanks for stopping by and taking a Ride on the Great Blog Train. Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  2. Me uno a la campaƱa, Las mujeres merecemos una mejor vida. Comparti el bolso morado con el codigo 0003
