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Monday, September 3, 2012

Salads- is this my solution for the evening meal?¿ Ensalada- la solución de la tarde?

Hi everyone,
Hola a todos,

Been out of the kitchen for a while and sure is not the same. I have been trying to think of a solution for keeping lean. I am getting a bit lazy and well that is not a good idea if I eat late in the evening. So, have been thinking and a friend suggested salad and more salad. Would love to try all the salads, some are very enticing just by looking at it.

Estuve fuera de la cocina por un tiempo y ya no es lo mismo. He tratado de pensar en una solucion para adelgazar. Me estoy poniendo un poco vaga y no es una buena idea comer tarde. He estado pensando y una amiga surigio que ensalda y mas ensalada era la solucion. Me gustaria probar toda las ensaladas , algunas se ven sabrosas tan solo de verlas.

I love salads that have nuts in it, what kind of salad do you like? Send me a comment, it would be much appreciated, if you want to share a salad recipe with me, feel free!!!!

Me encantan las ensaladas con frutos secos. Me encantaria que me mandasen sus comentarios sobre que tipo de ensalada les gusta. Si desea compartir una receta de ensalada conmigo sientase libre de hacerlo.

Here is the salad recipe for the evening. Someone asked a question of what to use if there is a lactose issue. Ok can someone help me with this question? What could be improvise for cheese in a salad????

Aqui tengo una ensalada para comer en la tarde. Alguien me pregunto "que puedo usar en vez de usar el queso?" si hay alguien que sepa sobre esto , por favor enviar su comentario y poder contestar a la pregunta.


Lettuce Mushroom Broccoli (optional) Onion
Red bell pepper (for color)
Method: Break up lettuce and place on plate
Break up broccoli and place on top of lettuce
Slice red bell pepper and place on top
Slice mushroom(s) and gently sauté in olive oil
Add thinly sliced onions and heat through – just enough to take the “sting” out.
Using a fork add mushrooms and onions on top (you can drizzle olive oil from cooking the mushrooms and onions and add salt if you wish) and/or drizzle with Italian dressing.

Question for my fellow followers:-

Do you believe eating salad in the evening would help the love handles?
Hope I get some response and have an interesting dialogue...Thanks!!!

My Salad- Mi ensalada


Lechuga, champiñones, brécol o broccoli (opcional) onion.
pimiento rojo
Metodo: trocea la lechuga y depositala en un plato ancho
trocea el brécol (broccoli) sobre la lechuga
agrega el pimiento rojo
corta los champiñones en rodajas y saltealos un poquito en aceite de oliva
añade cebolla cortada en rodajas muy finas.
retira los champiñones y la cebolla de la sarten y añade a la ensalada puedes usar el aceite que has usado para saltear los champiñones como aderezo, añade sal al gusto.

Pregunta para mis queridos seguidores:

Creen que comer enslada en la noche ayuda a mantener la linea?
Espero recibir alguna respuesta y tener un dialogo interesante...Gracias!!!

 ©Maricela, All Rights Reserved. Written for: Emy Cooks


  1. Lactose intolerance is often not an issue with aged cheeses. The aging process breaks down the proteins, so that a person who doesn't digest dairy proteins well, would not have as much problem as they would with a fresh made cheese.

    This is a nice recipe. I would like to link it to my FB Fanpage: Weight Goal Inspiration, because my readers are looking for low glycemic recipes.

    1. Jeanne, I have a giveaway that will interest your group, you can use this link


  2. Thank you Jeanne for your comments. Much appreciated.
    You are welcome to link to your FB fanpage, be my guest.

    I will think of that low glycemic recipes in future. Hope they enjoy and can pop a comment or two;)
