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Thursday, August 29, 2013

SEAWORLD RESCUE MISSIONS~~> Two Loggerhead Sea Turtles~~> #GreatJob #Happiness #Felicidad #BuenTrabajo

Isn't it great to see the Good that is being done to help sentient beings. 
My Family admires these rescues and one day hope many others would too!

¿No es fantástico ver lo bueno que se está haciendo para ayudar a los seres sintientes.
Mi familia admira estos rescates y la esperanza de algún día que muchos otros también lo haría!

Two Loggerhead Sea Turtles Find Permanent Home at SeaWorld Orlando’s TurtleTrek 

Dos tortugas de mar de la tortuga boba encuentran hogar permanente en Orlando de SeaWorld TurtleTrek

Orlando, Fla. (August 27, 2013) – Two female loggerhead sea turtles were moved into SeaWorld Orlando’s turtle habitat, TurtleTrek. Big Mama, a 245-pound adult, and Caton, a 95-pound sub-adult, were deemed non-releasable by wildlife government officials and were brought to SeaWorld last month by outside agencies to serve as the animals’ permanent home.

Orlando, Florida (el 27 de agosto de 2013) – Dos tortugas de mar de la tortuga boba hembras se movieron en el hábitat de la tortuga de Orlando de SeaWorld, TurtleTrek. La Madre grande, un adulto de 245 libras, y Caton, un subadulto de 95 libras, fue juzgada non-releasable por funcionarios públicos de la fauna y fue traída a SeaWorld el mes pasado por agencias exteriores para servir como residencia permanente de los animales.

Caton going into TurtleTrek:
The SeaWorld Orlando Rescue Team transports loggerhead sea turtle, Caton, into the park’s TurtleTrek attraction where she will live permanently and serve as an ambassador for her species to showcase the importance of wildlife conservation. She was first rescued in Blackbeard Island, Ga., on June 2, 2009. She was returned three times without success and ultimately had to be rescued numerous times.  Caton was transferred to SeaWorld in July 2013.

Big Mama was transported to SeaWorld Orlando from the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies (IMMS) in Gulfport, Miss., where she had been receiving care since she was rescued after an oil spill off the coast of Louisiana in 2010. Big Mama suffered from severe bite wounds to her front and hind flippers, making it difficult for her to swim properly.  In 2012, Big Mama was deemed non-releasable, and due to space limitations, IMMS could no longer care for her.

La Madre grande se transportó a SeaWorld Orlando del Instituto de Estudios del Mamífero Marítimos (IMMS) en Gulfport, Misisipí, donde había estado recibiendo el cuidado desde que se rescató después de un vertido de petróleo de la costa de Luisiana en 2010. La Madre grande sufrió de heridas de la mordedura severas a sus aletas delanteras y traseras, haciéndolo difícil para ella nadar correctamente. En 2012, la Madre Grande se juzgó non-releasable, y debido a limitaciones espaciales, IMMS ya no podía sentir cariño por ella. 

Caton was rescued in 2009 by the Georgia Sea Turtle Center (GSTC), who found her stranded on Blackbeard Island off the Georgia coast. GSTC spent months rehabilitating Caton, but when she was healthy enough to be returned to her natural environment, Caton had other plans. The GSTC attempted to return Caton not just once, but three times. After the third return, which was thought to have been successful until Caton was found back on the beach a week later, government officials deemed her non-releasable.

Caton fue rescatado en 2009 por Georgia Sea Turtle Center (GSTC), que la encontró varada a la Isla de Blackbeard de la costa de Georgia. GSTC pasó meses rehabilitando a Caton, pero cuando era bastante sana para devolverse a su medio ambiente natural, Caton tenía otros proyectos. El GSTC intentó devolver Caton no sólo una vez, pero tres veces. Después de la tercera vuelta, que se pensó haber tenido éxito hasta que Caton se encontrara atrás en la playa una semana más tarde, los funcionarios públicos juzgaron su non-releasable.

Caton swimming around in her new home at SeaWorld Orlando’s TurtleTrek:
Yesterday, loggerhead sea turtle Caton, was moved into her permanent home, along with another loggerhead, Big Mama, at SeaWorld Orlando’s TurtleTrek.  After being deemed non-releasable by the government, she was transferred to SeaWorld Orlando in July. 

The pair joined 14 other rescued sea turtles, including a hawksbill, 10 green and three loggerheads, which have also been deemed non-releasable. These turtles serve as ambassadors for their species, helping to educate guests about wildlife conservation and how they can make a difference with everyday actions.

La pareja se unió a 14 otras rescatadas tortugas marinas, incluyendo una Carey, verde 10 y tres tortugas, que también han sido consideradas no liberables. Estas tortugas sirven como embajadores de su especie, ayudando a educar a los huéspedes acerca de conservación de vida silvestre y cómo pueden hacer una diferencia con acciones cotidianas.

In collaboration with the government and other members of accredited stranding networks, SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment operates one of the world’s most respected programs to rescue ill and injured marine animals, with the goal to rehabilitate and return to the waters. SeaWorld animal experts have helped more than 22,000 animals in need - ill, injured, orphaned and abandoned - for more than four decades.

En colaboración con el gobierno y otros miembros de las redes de varamientos acreditadas, parques de SeaWorld y entretenimiento opera uno de los programas más respetados del mundo para rescatar a animales marinos enfermos y heridos, con el objetivo de rehabilitar y regresar a las aguas. SeaWorld expertos en animales han ayudado a más de 22.000 animales necesitados - enfermos, heridos, huérfanos y abandonados - durante más de cuatro décadas.

Big Mama and Caton in their new home at SeaWorld Orlando’s TurtleTrek:
Two loggerhead sea turtles, Big Mama (left) and Caton (right), are now part of the 16 turtles deemed non-releasable and that now live at SeaWorld Orlando’s TurtleTrek attraction where they are ambassadors for their species.

So far this year, SeaWorld Orlando has rescued 52 and returned 45 sea turtles.

Hasta ahora este año, SeaWorld Orlando ha rescatado 52 y regresado 45 tortugas.
All turtle rescue footage produced by SeaWorld under FWS Permit Number MA7701911.

Tortuga todos rescata material producido por SeaWorld bajo FWS permiso número MA7701911. 

 Disclosure: I was provided with the information in this post by SeaWorld Orlando. No compensation was received.


  1. Muy completo y bonito articulo. Que buena labor la del gobierno por darle ayuda a las tortugas enfermas. Muy lindas fotos! Gracias por compartirlas.

  2. Gracias, si buena labor por parte del gobierno y SeaWorld. Los trabajadores hacen un buen trabajo y tambien hay voluntarias. Con gusto lo comparto;). Feliz fin de semana!
